G4P (GUI for Processing) 4.3.11
A set of GUI controls for your Processing sketch.
Public Member Functions | |
void | appendText (String extraText) |
void | draw () |
int[] | getCaretPos () |
int[] | getCaretPos (int[] cpos) |
PGraphics | getSnapshot () |
float | getValueF () |
int | getValueI () |
GTextField (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3) | |
GTextField (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3, int sbPolicy) | |
void | hsbEventHandler (GScrollbar scrollbar, GEvent event) |
boolean | insertText (String text, int charNo) |
boolean | isValid () |
void | keyEvent (KeyEvent e) |
void | mouseEvent (MouseEvent event) |
void | moveCaretTo (int charNo) |
void | pre () |
void | setNumeric (float low, float high, float default_value) |
void | setNumeric (int low, int high, int default_value) |
void | setNumericType (int... f) |
void | setStyledText (StyledString ss) |
void | setText (String text) |
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void | addStyle (TextAttribute attr, Object value) |
void | addStyle (TextAttribute attr, Object value, int charStart, int charEnd) |
void | cancelSelection () |
void | clearSelectionStyle () |
void | clearStyles () |
void | clearStyles (int charStart, int charEnd) |
void | dispose () |
void | flashCaret (GTimer timer) |
GEditableTextControl (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3) | |
GEditableTextControl (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3, int scrollbars) | |
String | getPromptText () |
String | getSelectedText () |
StyledString | getStyledText () |
String | getText () |
int | getWrapWidth () |
boolean | hasSelection () |
void | hsbEventHandler (GScrollbar scrollbar, GEvent event) |
boolean | isTextEditEnabled () |
void | keyEvent (KeyEvent e) |
boolean | loadText (String fname) |
boolean | saveText (String fname) |
void | setFocus (boolean focus) |
void | setFont (Font font) |
void | setJustify (boolean justify) |
void | setLocalColorScheme (int cs) |
void | setPromptText (String ptext) |
void | setSelectedTextStyle (TextAttribute style, Object value) |
void | setTabManager (GTabManager tm) |
void | setTextEditEnabled (boolean enableTextEdit) |
void | setWrapWidth (int wrapWidth) |
void | vsbEventHandler (GScrollbar scrollbar, GEvent event) |
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void | forceBufferUpdate () |
StyledString | getStyledText () |
String | getText () |
GTextBase (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3) | |
boolean | loadText (String fname) |
boolean | saveText (String fname) |
void | setFont (Font font) |
void | setStyledText (StyledString ss) |
void | setText (String text) |
void | setText (String text, GAlign horz, GAlign vert) |
void | setTextAlign (GAlign horz, GAlign vert) |
void | setTextBold () |
void | setTextBold (int start, int end) |
void | setTextItalic () |
void | setTextItalic (int start, int end) |
void | setTextPlain () |
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void | addControl (GAbstractControl c) |
void | addControl (GAbstractControl c, float x, float y) |
void | addControl (GAbstractControl c, float x, float y, float angle) |
void | addControls (GAbstractControl... controls) |
void | addEventHandler (Object obj, String methodName) |
void | dispose () |
void | draw () |
void | forceBufferUpdate () |
GAbstractControl (PApplet theApplet) | |
GAbstractControl (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1) | |
GAbstractControl (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3) | |
int | getAlpha () |
int | getCursorOver () |
float | getCX () |
float | getCY () |
float | getHeight () |
int | getLocalColorScheme () |
PApplet | getPApplet () |
GAbstractControl | getParent () |
float | getRotation () |
PGraphics | getSnapshot () |
GToolTip | getTip () |
float | getWidth () |
float | getX () |
float | getY () |
boolean | hasFocus () |
boolean | isDragging () |
boolean | isEnabled () |
boolean | isOpaque () |
boolean | isVisible () |
void | keyEvent (KeyEvent e) |
void | mouseEvent (MouseEvent event) |
void | moveTo (float px, float py) |
void | moveTo (float px, float py, GControlMode mode) |
void | post () |
void | pre () |
void | removeTip () |
boolean | saveSnapshot () |
boolean | saveSnapshot (String filename) |
void | setAlpha (int alpha) |
void | setAlpha (int alpha, boolean includeChildren) |
void | setCursorOver (int cursorOver) |
void | setEnabled (boolean enable) |
void | setFocus (boolean focus) |
void | setLocalColor (int colorNo, int color) |
void | setLocalColorScheme (int cs) |
void | setLocalColorScheme (int cs, boolean includeChildren) |
void | setOpaque (boolean opaque) |
void | setRotation (float angle) |
void | setRotation (float angle, GControlMode mode) |
void | setTip (GToolTip tt, float offset, float angle) |
void | setTip (GToolTip tt, GAlign ax, GAlign ay, float gap) |
void | setTip (String text, float offset, float angle) |
void | setTip (String text, GAlign ax, GAlign ay, float gap) |
void | setTipDisplayTime (long msecs) |
void | setTipEnabled (boolean enable) |
void | setTipHorz (boolean level) |
void | setTipPos (float radius, float ang) |
void | setTipPos (GAlign ax, GAlign ay, float gap) |
void | setTipText (String text) |
void | setVisible (boolean visible) |
String | toString () |
void | setTabManager (GTabManager tm) |
Protected Member Functions | |
boolean | changeText () |
void | keyPressedProcess (int keyCode, char keyChar, boolean shiftDown, boolean ctrlDown) |
void | keyTypedProcess (int keyCode, char keyChar, boolean shiftDown, boolean ctrlDown) |
void | testValidity (String text) |
void | updateBuffer () |
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void | calculateCaretPos (TextLayoutHitInfo tlhi) |
boolean | changeText () |
float | getScrollAmount () |
void | keyPressedProcess (int keyCode, char keyChar, boolean shiftDown, boolean ctrlDown) |
void | keyTypedProcess (int keyCode, char keyChar, boolean shiftDown, boolean ctrlDown) |
void | loseFocus (GAbstractControl grabber) |
boolean | moveCaretEndOfLine (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos) |
boolean | moveCaretLeft (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos) |
boolean | moveCaretRight (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos) |
boolean | moveCaretStartOfLine (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos) |
void | takeFocus () |
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void | addAttributeImpl (TextAttribute style, Object value) |
void | addAttributeImpl (TextAttribute style, Object value, int s, int e) |
void | calcTextZone () |
void | displayText (Graphics2D g2d, LinkedList< TextLayoutInfo > lines) |
void | displayText (Graphics2D g2d, LinkedList< TextLayoutInfo > lines, Color fore) |
void | resizeToFit () |
void | resizeToFit (GControlMode mode) |
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void | addControlImpl (GAbstractControl c, float x, float y, float angle) |
void | addToParent (GAbstractControl p) |
void | calcTransformedOrigin (float px, float py) |
boolean | controlSupportsToolTips () |
void | createEventHandler (Object handlerObj, String methodName, Class[] param_classes, String[] param_names) |
void | drawChildren () |
void | fireEvent (Object... objects) |
int | focusObjectZ () |
PGraphics | getBuffer () |
int | getCurrHotSpot () |
AffineTransform | getTransform (AffineTransform aff) |
void | hideTip () |
boolean | isAvailable () |
boolean | isDisplayable (int ascii) |
boolean | isSuitableForGroupControl (GAbstractControl control) |
void | loseFocus (GAbstractControl grabber) |
void | makeBuffer () |
void | manageToolTip () |
void | resize (int w, int h) |
void | resize (int w, int h, GControlMode mode) |
void | setAvailable (boolean avail) |
void | setZ (int parentZ) |
void | showTip () |
void | takeFocus () |
void | updateBuffer () |
int | whichHotSpot (float px, float py) |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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String | tag = "" |
int | tagNo |
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int | ALPHA_BLOCK = 128 |
int | ALPHA_PICK = 48 |
TextAttribute | BACKGROUND = TextAttribute.BACKGROUND |
int | BLUE_SCHEME = 6 |
int | BOLD = Font.BOLD |
int | CANCEL = JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION |
int | CLOSE_WINDOW = 0x00000f02 |
int | CLOSED = JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION |
int | CTRL_ANGULAR = 0x00000501 |
int | CTRL_HORIZONTAL = 0x00000502 |
int | CTRL_VERTICAL = 0x00000503 |
int | CYAN_SCHEME = 5 |
int | DECIMAL = 1 |
char | END = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_END |
int | EXIT_APP = 0x00000f01 |
int | EXPONENT = 2 |
TextAttribute | FAMILY = TextAttribute.FAMILY |
TextAttribute | FOREGROUND = TextAttribute.FOREGROUND |
int | FORWARD = 1 |
int | GOLD_SCHEME = 7 |
int | GREEN_SCHEME = 1 |
int | HIDE_WINDOW = 0x00000f04 |
char | HOME = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_HOME |
int | INTEGER = 0 |
int | ITALIC = Font.ITALIC |
int | KEEP_OPEN = 0x00000f03 |
int | NO = JOptionPane.NO_OPTION |
int | OK = JOptionPane.OK_OPTION |
int | ORANGE_SCHEME = 4 |
int | ORIENT_LEFT = -1 |
int | ORIENT_RIGHT = 1 |
int | ORIENT_TRACK = 0 |
int | PLAIN = Font.PLAIN |
TextAttribute | POSTURE = TextAttribute.POSTURE |
Float | POSTURE_OBLIQUE = new Float(0.20f) |
Float | POSTURE_REGULAR = new Float(0.0f) |
int | PURPLE_SCHEME = 3 |
int | RED_SCHEME = 0 |
int | REVERSE = -1 |
int | SCHEME_10 = 10 |
int | SCHEME_11 = 11 |
int | SCHEME_12 = 12 |
int | SCHEME_13 = 13 |
int | SCHEME_14 = 14 |
int | SCHEME_15 = 15 |
int | SCHEME_8 = 8 |
int | SCHEME_9 = 9 |
int | SCROLLBARS_AUTOHIDE = 0x1000 |
int | SCROLLBARS_BOTH = 0x0003 |
int | SCROLLBARS_NONE = 0x0000 |
TextAttribute | SIZE = TextAttribute.SIZE |
TextAttribute | STRIKETHROUGH = TextAttribute.STRIKETHROUGH |
Boolean | STRIKETHROUGH_OFF = new Boolean(false) |
Boolean | STRIKETHROUGH_ON = new Boolean(true) |
TextAttribute | SUPERSCRIPT = TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT |
Integer | SUPERSCRIPT_OFF = new Integer(0) |
Integer | SUPERSCRIPT_SUB = new Integer(-1) |
Integer | SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER = new Integer(1) |
int | UNDEFINED = Integer.MAX_VALUE |
TextAttribute | UNDERLINE = TextAttribute.UNDERLINE |
int | UNDERLINE_OFF = Integer.valueOf(-1) |
int | UNDERLINE_ON = TextAttribute.UNDERLINE_ON |
int | USER_COL_SCHEME = 0x00010102 |
TextAttribute | WEIGHT = TextAttribute.WEIGHT |
Float | WEIGHT_BOLD = new Float(2.0f) |
Float | WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD = new Float(1.75f) |
Float | WEIGHT_DEMILIGHT = new Float(0.875f) |
Float | WEIGHT_EXTRA_LIGHT = new Float(0.5f) |
Float | WEIGHT_EXTRABOLD = new Float(2.5f) |
Float | WEIGHT_HEAVY = new Float(2.25f) |
Float | WEIGHT_LIGHT = new Float(0.75f) |
Float | WEIGHT_MEDIUM = new Float(1.5f) |
Float | WEIGHT_REGULAR = new Float(1.0f) |
Float | WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD = new Float(1.25f) |
Float | WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD = new Float(2.75f) |
TextAttribute | WIDTH = TextAttribute.WIDTH |
Float | WIDTH_CONDENSED = new Float(0.75f) |
Float | WIDTH_EXTENDED = new Float(1.5f) |
Float | WIDTH_REGULAR = new Float(1.0f) |
Float | WIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED = new Float(0.875f) |
Float | WIDTH_SEMI_EXTENDED = new Float(1.25f) |
int | X4 = 1 |
int | X8 = 2 |
int | YELLOW_SCHEME = 2 |
int | YES = JOptionPane.YES_OPTION |
int | YES_NO = JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION |
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int | adjust = 0 |
boolean | autoHide = false |
GTimer | caretFlasher |
float | caretX |
float | caretY |
int | endChar = -1 |
TextLayoutHitInfo | endTLHI = new TextLayoutHitInfo() |
GeneralPath | gpTextDisplayArea |
GScrollbar | hsb |
boolean | keepCursorInView = false |
int | nbr = 0 |
int | pos = endChar |
StyledString | promptText = null |
float | ptx |
float | pty |
final int | scrollbarPolicy |
boolean | selectionChanged = false |
boolean | showCaret = false |
int | startChar = -1 |
TextLayoutHitInfo | startTLHI = new TextLayoutHitInfo() |
boolean | textChanged = false |
float | th |
float | tw |
float | tx |
float | ty |
GScrollbar | vsb |
int | wrapWidth = Integer.MAX_VALUE |
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Font | localFont = G4P.displayFont |
float | PAD = 2 |
StyledString | stext = new StyledString("") |
GAlign | textAlignH = GAlign.LEFT |
GAlign | textAlignV = GAlign.MIDDLE |
Zone | textZone = new Zone() |
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boolean | allowChildren = true |
boolean | allowToolTips = true |
int | alphaLevel = G4P.globalAlpha |
boolean | available = true |
PGraphicsJava2D | buffer = null |
boolean | bufferInvalid = true |
LinkedList< GAbstractControl > | children = null |
int | currSpot = -1 |
int | cursorOver = HAND |
float | cx |
float | cy |
boolean | dragging = false |
boolean | enabled = true |
Method | eventHandlerMethod = null |
String | eventHandlerMethodName |
Object | eventHandlerObject = null |
float | halfHeight |
float | halfWidth |
float | height |
HotSpot[] | hotspots = null |
int | lastSpot = -1 |
int | localColorScheme = G4P.globalColorScheme |
boolean | opaque = false |
float | ox |
float | oy |
Color[] | palette = null |
GAbstractControl | parent = null |
int | registeredMethods = 0 |
float | rotAngle |
double[] | temp = new double[2] |
GToolTip | tip = null |
boolean | visible = true |
float | width |
PApplet | winApp |
float | x |
float | y |
int | z = Z_STICKY |
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static GAbstractControl | controlToTakeFocus = null |
static GAbstractControl | cursorIsOver |
static float | epsilon = 0.001f |
static GAbstractControl | focusIsWith = null |
The text field component.
This control allows the user to enter and edit a single line of text. The control also allows default text and a horizontal scrollbar.
can be created to manage either a single line of text or multiple lines of text.
Enables user text input at runtime. Text can be selected using the mouse or keyboard shortcuts and then copied or cut to the clipboard. Text can also be pasted in.
As well as text this control will accept numeric input either integer or decimal within a user specified range. Invalid user input is highlighted in the control to be corrected by the user.
From V4.3.3 The text field can be used to validate numeric input within a user defined range. The input can be either integer int
or decimal float
, using the setNumeric(,,)
method. If all three parameters are integers then only integer values in the range are valid, if any of the parameters is a float
then any decimal value in the range is valid.
Decimal formats include numbers in exponential format e.g. -4.911e-2
g4p_controls.GTextField.GTextField | ( | PApplet | theApplet, |
float | p0, | ||
float | p1, | ||
float | p2, | ||
float | p3 | ||
) |
Create a text field without a scrollbar.
theApplet | the main sketch or GWindow control for this control |
p0 | x position based on control mode |
p1 | y position based on control mode |
p2 | x position or width based on control mode |
p3 | y position or height based on control mode |
g4p_controls.GTextField.GTextField | ( | PApplet | theApplet, |
float | p0, | ||
float | p1, | ||
float | p2, | ||
float | p3, | ||
int | sbPolicy | ||
) |
Create a text field with the given scrollbar policy.
This policy can be one of these
If you want the scrollbar to auto hide then perform a logical or with
theApplet | the main sketch or GWindow control for this control |
p0 | x position based on control mode |
p1 | y position based on control mode |
p2 | x position or width based on control mode |
p3 | y position or height based on control mode |
sbPolicy | scrollbar policy |
void g4p_controls.GTextField.appendText | ( | String | extraText | ) |
Add some plain text to the end of the existing text.
extraText | the text to append |
protected |
Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl.
void g4p_controls.GTextField.draw | ( | ) |
Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl.
int[] g4p_controls.GTextField.getCaretPos | ( | ) |
Get the current caret position.
The method will always return a 2 element array with the current caret position { line no, char no }
If the current caret position is undefined then it will return the array { -1, -1 }
int[] g4p_controls.GTextField.getCaretPos | ( | int[] | cpos | ) |
Get the current caret position.
If the parameter is a 2 element int array then it will be populated with the line number [0] and character no [1] of the caret's current position.
The method will always return a 2 element array with the current caret position { line no, char no }
If the current caret position is undefined then it will return the array { -1, -1 }
cpos | array to be populated with caret position |
PGraphics g4p_controls.GTextField.getSnapshot | ( | ) |
This method should be used sparingly since it is heavy on resources.
Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl.
float g4p_controls.GTextField.getValueF | ( | ) |
If the field is displaying a valid float within the specified range return it. Otherwise the default float value.
int g4p_controls.GTextField.getValueI | ( | ) |
If the field is displaying a valid integer within the specified range return it. Otherwise the default int value.
void g4p_controls.GTextField.hsbEventHandler | ( | GScrollbar | scrollbar, |
GEvent | event | ||
) |
Do not call this method directly, G4P uses it to handle input from the horizontal scrollbar.
Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl.
boolean g4p_controls.GTextField.insertText | ( | String | text, |
int | charNo | ||
) |
Insert text at the display position specified.
No events will be generated and the caret will be moved to the end of any inserted text.
text | the text to insert |
charNo | the character position to insert text in display line |
boolean g4p_controls.GTextField.isValid | ( | ) |
void g4p_controls.GTextField.keyEvent | ( | KeyEvent | e | ) |
Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl.
protected |
Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl.
protected |
Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl.
void g4p_controls.GTextField.mouseEvent | ( | MouseEvent | event | ) |
Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl.
void g4p_controls.GTextField.moveCaretTo | ( | int | charNo | ) |
4.3.10 Move the insertion point (caret) to the specified character. If the position is invalid then the caret is not moved. The text will be scrolled so that the caret position is visible.
charNo | the character position on the line (starts at 0) |
void g4p_controls.GTextField.pre | ( | ) |
Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl.
void g4p_controls.GTextField.setNumeric | ( | float | low, |
float | high, | ||
float | default_value | ||
) |
Will cause the text field to show when an invalid float has been entered into the field.
An invalid float is any text that cannot be converted into a float or is outside the range indicated by the first two parameters.
If getValueF()
is called then it will return the current valid float or if invalid the value passed in the third parameter.
Note: at least one of the parameters must be of type float
low | the lowest valid float |
high | the highest valid float |
default_value | the value to be returned by getValueF() for invalid user input |
void g4p_controls.GTextField.setNumeric | ( | int | low, |
int | high, | ||
int | default_value | ||
) |
Will cause the text field to show when an invalid integer has been entered into the field.
An invalid integer is any text that cannot be converted into an integer or is outside the range indicated by the first two parameters.
If getValueI()
is called then it will return the current valid integer or if invalid the value passed in the third parameter.
Note: all the parameters must be of type int
low | the lowest valid integer |
high | the highest valid integer |
default_value | the value to be returned by getValueI() for invalid user input |
void g4p_controls.GTextField.setNumericType | ( | int... | f | ) |
Sets the filter to be used, valid parameter values are G4P.INTEGER, G4P.DECIMAL or G4P.EXPONENT and the accepted range will be based on range of valid values for the Java data types int
or float
if the parameter is null or missing then it cancels the filter and all text values are considered valid.
f | the filter to apply (can be null or omitted) |
void g4p_controls.GTextField.setStyledText | ( | StyledString | ss | ) |
Set the styled text for this textfield after ensuring that all EOL characters have been removed.
ss | the styled text to be displayed |
Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GTextBase.
void g4p_controls.GTextField.setText | ( | String | text | ) |
Set the text to be displayed.
text | the text to be displayed |
Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GTextBase.
protected |
If the buffer is invalid then redraw it.
@TODO need to use palette for colours
Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl.