| BOTTOM =( 0x0040, "BOTTOM", "Align text to bottom" ) |
| CENTER =( 0x0002, "CENTER", "Centre text horizontally" ) |
| EAST =( 0x0800, "EAST", "Place icon right of text" ) |
| INVALID =( 0x0000, "INVALID", "Invalid alignment" ) |
| JUSTIFY =( 0x0008, "JUSTIFY", "Justify text" ) |
| LEFT =( 0x0001, "LEFT", "Left align text" ) |
| MIDDLE =( 0x0020, "MIDDLE", "Centre text vertically" ) |
| NORTH =( 0x0200, "NORTH", "Place icon above text" ) |
| RIGHT =( 0x0004, "RIGHT", "Right align text" ) |
| SOUTH =( 0x0100, "SOUTH", "Place icon below text" ) |
| TOP =( 0x0010, "TOP", "Align text to to top" ) |
| WEST =( 0x0400, "WEST", "Place icon left of text" ) |
This class provides an enumeration that is used to control the alignment of text and images.
It also defines the constants for the position of the icon relative to the text.
- Author
- Peter Lager