G4P (GUI for Processing) 4.3.9
A set of GUI controls for your Processing sketch.
No Matches
g4p_controls.GTextArea Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for g4p_controls.GTextArea:

Public Member Functions

void addStyle (TextAttribute attr, Object value, int lineNo)
void addStyle (TextAttribute attr, Object value, int lineNo, int charStart, int charEnd)
boolean appendText (String text)
void clearStyles (int lineNo)
void clearStyles (int lineNo, int charStart, int charEnd)
void draw ()
int[] getCaretPos ()
int[] getCaretPos (int[] cpos)
PGraphics getSnapshot ()
String getText (int lineNo)
String[] getTextAsArray ()
int getTextLength (int lineNo, boolean ignoreEOL)
 GTextArea (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3)
 GTextArea (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3, int sbPolicy)
 GTextArea (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3, int sbPolicy, int wrapWidth)
boolean insertText (String text)
boolean insertText (String text, boolean startWithEOL, boolean endWithEOL)
boolean insertText (String text, int lineNo, int charNo)
boolean insertText (String text, int lineNo, int charNo, boolean startWithEOL, boolean endWithEOL)
void mouseEvent (MouseEvent event)
void moveCaretTo (int lineNo, int charNo)
void pre ()
void setStyledText (StyledString st)
void setText (String text)
void setText (String text, int wrapWidth)
void setText (String[] lines)
void setText (String[] lines, int wrapWidth)
- Public Member Functions inherited from g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
void addStyle (TextAttribute attr, Object value)
void addStyle (TextAttribute attr, Object value, int charStart, int charEnd)
void clearSelectionStyle ()
void clearStyles ()
void clearStyles (int charStart, int charEnd)
void dispose ()
void flashCaret (GTimer timer)
 GEditableTextControl (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3)
 GEditableTextControl (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3, int scrollbars)
String getPromptText ()
String getSelectedText ()
StyledString getStyledText ()
String getText ()
int getWrapWidth ()
boolean hasSelection ()
void hsbEventHandler (GScrollbar scrollbar, GEvent event)
boolean isTextEditEnabled ()
void keyEvent (KeyEvent e)
boolean loadText (String fname)
boolean saveText (String fname)
void setFocus (boolean focus)
void setFont (Font font)
void setJustify (boolean justify)
void setLocalColorScheme (int cs)
void setPromptText (String ptext)
void setSelectedTextStyle (TextAttribute style, Object value)
void setTabManager (GTabManager tm)
void setTextEditEnabled (boolean enableTextEdit)
void setWrapWidth (int wrapWidth)
void vsbEventHandler (GScrollbar scrollbar, GEvent event)
- Public Member Functions inherited from g4p_controls.GTextBase
void forceBufferUpdate ()
StyledString getStyledText ()
String getText ()
 GTextBase (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3)
boolean loadText (String fname)
boolean saveText (String fname)
void setFont (Font font)
void setStyledText (StyledString ss)
void setText (String text)
void setText (String text, GAlign horz, GAlign vert)
void setTextAlign (GAlign horz, GAlign vert)
void setTextBold ()
void setTextBold (int start, int end)
void setTextItalic ()
void setTextItalic (int start, int end)
void setTextPlain ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
void addControl (GAbstractControl c)
void addControl (GAbstractControl c, float x, float y)
void addControl (GAbstractControl c, float x, float y, float angle)
void addControls (GAbstractControl... controls)
void addEventHandler (Object obj, String methodName)
void dispose ()
void draw ()
void forceBufferUpdate ()
 GAbstractControl (PApplet theApplet)
 GAbstractControl (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1)
 GAbstractControl (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3)
int getAlpha ()
int getCursorOver ()
float getCX ()
float getCY ()
float getHeight ()
int getLocalColorScheme ()
PApplet getPApplet ()
GAbstractControl getParent ()
PGraphics getSnapshot ()
GToolTip getTip ()
float getWidth ()
float getX ()
float getY ()
boolean hasFocus ()
boolean isDragging ()
boolean isEnabled ()
boolean isOpaque ()
boolean isVisible ()
void keyEvent (KeyEvent e)
void mouseEvent (MouseEvent event)
void moveTo (float px, float py)
void moveTo (float px, float py, GControlMode mode)
void post ()
void pre ()
void removeTip ()
boolean saveSnapshot ()
boolean saveSnapshot (String filename)
void setAlpha (int alpha)
void setAlpha (int alpha, boolean includeChildren)
void setCursorOver (int cursorOver)
void setEnabled (boolean enable)
void setFocus (boolean focus)
void setLocalColor (int colorNo, int color)
void setLocalColorScheme (int cs)
void setLocalColorScheme (int cs, boolean includeChildren)
void setOpaque (boolean opaque)
void setRotation (float angle)
void setRotation (float angle, GControlMode mode)
void setTip (GToolTip tt, float dx, float dy)
void setTip (GToolTip tt, GAlign ax, GAlign ay, float gap)
void setTip (String text, float dx, float dy)
void setTip (String text, GAlign ax, GAlign ay, float gap)
void setTipDisplayTime (long msecs)
void setTipHorz (boolean level)
void setTipText (String text)
void setVisible (boolean visible)
String toString ()
void setTabManager (GTabManager tm)

Protected Member Functions

void calculateCaretPos (TextLayoutHitInfo tlhi)
boolean changeText ()
void keyPressedProcess (int keyCode, char keyChar, boolean shiftDown, boolean ctrlDown)
void keyTypedProcess (int keyCode, char keyChar, boolean shiftDown, boolean ctrlDown)
boolean moveCaretDown (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos)
boolean moveCaretEndOfLine (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos)
boolean moveCaretEndOfText (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos)
boolean moveCaretLeft (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos)
boolean moveCaretRight (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos)
boolean moveCaretStartOfLine (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos)
boolean moveCaretStartOfText (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos)
boolean moveCaretUp (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos)
void setTextImpl (String text, int wrapWidth)
void updateBuffer ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
void calculateCaretPos (TextLayoutHitInfo tlhi)
boolean changeText ()
float getScrollAmount ()
void keyPressedProcess (int keyCode, char keyChar, boolean shiftDown, boolean ctrlDown)
void keyTypedProcess (int keyCode, char keyChar, boolean shiftDown, boolean ctrlDown)
void loseFocus (GAbstractControl grabber)
boolean moveCaretEndOfLine (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos)
boolean moveCaretLeft (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos)
boolean moveCaretRight (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos)
boolean moveCaretStartOfLine (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos)
void takeFocus ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from g4p_controls.GTextBase
void addAttributeImpl (TextAttribute style, Object value)
void addAttributeImpl (TextAttribute style, Object value, int s, int e)
void calcTextZone ()
void displayText (Graphics2D g2d, LinkedList< TextLayoutInfo > lines)
void displayText (Graphics2D g2d, LinkedList< TextLayoutInfo > lines, Color fore)
void resizeToFit ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
void addControlImpl (GAbstractControl c, float x, float y, float angle)
void addToParent (GAbstractControl p)
void calcTransformedOrigin (float px, float py)
void createEventHandler (Object handlerObj, String methodName, Class[] param_classes, String[] param_names)
void drawChildren ()
void fireEvent (Object... objects)
int focusObjectZ ()
PGraphics getBuffer ()
int getCurrHotSpot ()
AffineTransform getTransform (AffineTransform aff)
void hideTip ()
boolean isAvailable ()
boolean isDisplayable (int ascii)
boolean isSuitableForGroupControl (GAbstractControl control)
void loseFocus (GAbstractControl grabber)
void makeBuffer ()
void manageToolTip ()
void resize (int w, int h)
void setAvailable (boolean avail)
void setTextRenderingHints (Graphics2D g2d, int hint)
void setZ (int parentZ)
void showTip ()
void takeFocus ()
void updateBuffer ()
int whichHotSpot (float px, float py)

Protected Attributes

boolean backspace = false
boolean newline = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl
int adjust = 0
boolean autoHide = false
GTimer caretFlasher
float caretX
float caretY
int endChar = -1
TextLayoutHitInfo endTLHI = new TextLayoutHitInfo()
GeneralPath gpTextDisplayArea
GScrollbar hsb
boolean keepCursorInView = false
int nbr = 0
int pos = endChar
StyledString promptText = null
float ptx
float pty
final int scrollbarPolicy
boolean selectionChanged = false
boolean showCaret = false
int startChar = -1
TextLayoutHitInfo startTLHI = new TextLayoutHitInfo()
boolean textChanged = false
float th
float tw
float tx
float ty
GScrollbar vsb
int wrapWidth = Integer.MAX_VALUE
- Protected Attributes inherited from g4p_controls.GTextBase
Font localFont = G4P.displayFont
float PAD = 2
StyledString stext = new StyledString("")
GAlign textAlignH = GAlign.LEFT
GAlign textAlignV = GAlign.MIDDLE
Zone textZone = new Zone()
- Protected Attributes inherited from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
boolean allowChildren = true
boolean allowToolTips = true
int alphaLevel = G4P.globalAlpha
PGraphicsJava2D buffer = null
boolean bufferInvalid = true
LinkedList< GAbstractControlchildren = null
int currSpot = -1
int cursorOver = HAND
float cx
float cy
boolean dragging = false
Method eventHandlerMethod = null
String eventHandlerMethodName
Object eventHandlerObject = null
float halfHeight
float halfWidth
float height
HotSpot[] hotspots = null
int lastSpot = -1
int localColorScheme = G4P.globalColorScheme
boolean opaque = false
float ox
float oy
Color[] palette = null
GAbstractControl parent = null
int registeredMethods = 0
float rotAngle
double[] temp = new double[2]
GToolTip tip = null
float width
PApplet winApp
float x
float y
int z = Z_STICKY

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
String tag = ""
int tagNo
- Public Attributes inherited from g4p_controls.GConstants
int ALPHA_BLOCK = 128
int ALPHA_PICK = 48
TextAttribute BACKGROUND = TextAttribute.BACKGROUND
int BOLD = Font.BOLD
int CLOSE_WINDOW = 0x00000f02
int CTRL_ANGULAR = 0x00000501
int CTRL_HORIZONTAL = 0x00000502
int CTRL_VERTICAL = 0x00000503
int DECIMAL = 1
char END = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_END
int EXIT_APP = 0x00000f01
int EXPONENT = 2
TextAttribute FAMILY = TextAttribute.FAMILY
TextAttribute FOREGROUND = TextAttribute.FOREGROUND
int FORWARD = 1
int HIDE_WINDOW = 0x00000f04
char HOME = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_HOME
int INTEGER = 0
int KEEP_OPEN = 0x00000f03
int NO = JOptionPane.NO_OPTION
int OK = JOptionPane.OK_OPTION
int ORIENT_LEFT = -1
int PLAIN = Font.PLAIN
TextAttribute POSTURE = TextAttribute.POSTURE
Float POSTURE_OBLIQUE = new Float(0.20f)
Float POSTURE_REGULAR = new Float(0.0f)
int RED_SCHEME = 0
int REVERSE = -1
int SCHEME_10 = 10
int SCHEME_11 = 11
int SCHEME_12 = 12
int SCHEME_13 = 13
int SCHEME_14 = 14
int SCHEME_15 = 15
int SCHEME_8 = 8
int SCHEME_9 = 9
int SCROLLBARS_BOTH = 0x0003
int SCROLLBARS_NONE = 0x0000
TextAttribute SIZE = TextAttribute.SIZE
Boolean STRIKETHROUGH_OFF = new Boolean(false)
Boolean STRIKETHROUGH_ON = new Boolean(true)
TextAttribute SUPERSCRIPT = TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT
Integer SUPERSCRIPT_OFF = new Integer(0)
Integer SUPERSCRIPT_SUB = new Integer(-1)
Integer SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER = new Integer(1)
int USER_COL_SCHEME = 0x00010102
TextAttribute WEIGHT = TextAttribute.WEIGHT
Float WEIGHT_BOLD = new Float(2.0f)
Float WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD = new Float(1.75f)
Float WEIGHT_DEMILIGHT = new Float(0.875f)
Float WEIGHT_EXTRA_LIGHT = new Float(0.5f)
Float WEIGHT_EXTRABOLD = new Float(2.5f)
Float WEIGHT_HEAVY = new Float(2.25f)
Float WEIGHT_LIGHT = new Float(0.75f)
Float WEIGHT_MEDIUM = new Float(1.5f)
Float WEIGHT_REGULAR = new Float(1.0f)
Float WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD = new Float(1.25f)
Float WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD = new Float(2.75f)
TextAttribute WIDTH = TextAttribute.WIDTH
Float WIDTH_CONDENSED = new Float(0.75f)
Float WIDTH_EXTENDED = new Float(1.5f)
Float WIDTH_REGULAR = new Float(1.0f)
Float WIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED = new Float(0.875f)
Float WIDTH_SEMI_EXTENDED = new Float(1.25f)
int X4 = 1
int X8 = 2
int YES = JOptionPane.YES_OPTION
int YES_NO = JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
static float epsilon = 0.001f

Detailed Description

The text area component.

This control allows the user to enter and edit multiple lines of text. The control also allows default text, horizontal and vertical scrollbars.

Enables user to enter text at runtime. Text can be selected using the mouse or keyboard shortcuts and then copied or cut to the clipboard. Text can also be pasted in.

There are some methods to add and clear text attributes to all or some of the text in the control. If a method is expecting a line number, you should specify the actual line number for the entire text (lines numbers start at 0). It is not the line number in the visible display because this can change if the text has been scrolled vertically.

The focus events are only fired if the control is added to a GTabManager object.

Peter Lager

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GTextArea() [1/3]

g4p_controls.GTextArea.GTextArea ( PApplet  theApplet,
float  p0,
float  p1,
float  p2,
float  p3 

Create a text area without scrollbars and a text wrap width to fit the control.

theAppletthe main sketch or GWindow control for this control
p0x position based on control mode
p1y position based on control mode
p2x position or width based on control mode
p3y position or height based on control mode

◆ GTextArea() [2/3]

g4p_controls.GTextArea.GTextArea ( PApplet  theApplet,
float  p0,
float  p1,
float  p2,
float  p3,
int  sbPolicy 

Create a text field with the given scrollbar policy and a text wrap width to fit the control.
The scrollbar policy can be one of these


If you want the scrollbar to auto hide then perform a logical or with



theAppletthe main sketch or GWindow control for this control
p0x position based on control mode
p1y position based on control mode
p2x position or width based on control mode
p3y position or height based on control mode
sbPolicyscrollbar policy

◆ GTextArea() [3/3]

g4p_controls.GTextArea.GTextArea ( PApplet  theApplet,
float  p0,
float  p1,
float  p2,
float  p3,
int  sbPolicy,
int  wrapWidth 

Create a text field with the given scrollbar policy with a user specified text wrap length

theAppletthe main sketch or GWindow control for this control
p0x position based on control mode
p1y position based on control mode
p2x position or width based on control mode
p3y position or height based on control mode
sbPolicyscrollbar policy
wrapWidththe line width in pixels used for wrapping text.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addStyle() [1/2]

void g4p_controls.GTextArea.addStyle ( TextAttribute  attr,
Object  value,
int  lineNo 

Adds the text attribute to an entire display line.

attrthe text attribute to add
valuevalue of the text attribute
lineNothe display line number (starts at 0)

◆ addStyle() [2/2]

void g4p_controls.GTextArea.addStyle ( TextAttribute  attr,
Object  value,
int  lineNo,
int  charStart,
int  charEnd 

Adds the text attribute to a range of characters on a particular display line. If charEnd is past the EOL then the attribute will be applied to the end-of-line.

attrthe text attribute to add
valuevalue of the text attribute
lineNothe display line number (starts at 0)
charStartthe position of the first character to apply the attribute
charEndthe position after the last character to apply the attribute

◆ appendText()

boolean g4p_controls.GTextArea.appendText ( String  text)

Add text to the end of the current text. This is useful for a logging' type activity.

No events will be generated and the caret will be moved to the end of any appended text.

textthe text to append
true if some characters were added

◆ calculateCaretPos()

void g4p_controls.GTextArea.calculateCaretPos ( TextLayoutHitInfo  tlhi)

Calculate the caret (text insertion point)


Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl.

◆ changeText()

boolean g4p_controls.GTextArea.changeText ( )

Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl.

◆ clearStyles() [1/2]

void g4p_controls.GTextArea.clearStyles ( int  lineNo)

Clears all text attribute from an entire display line.

lineNothe display line number (starts at 0)

◆ clearStyles() [2/2]

void g4p_controls.GTextArea.clearStyles ( int  lineNo,
int  charStart,
int  charEnd 

Clears all text attribute from a range of characters on a particular display line. If charEnd is past the EOL then the attributes will be cleared to the end-of-line.

lineNothe display line number (starts at 0)
charStartthe position of the first character to apply the attribute
charEndthe position after the last character to apply the attribute

◆ draw()

void g4p_controls.GTextArea.draw ( )

Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl.

◆ getCaretPos() [1/2]

int[] g4p_controls.GTextArea.getCaretPos ( )

Get the current caret position.

The method will always return a 2 element array with the current caret position { line no, char no }

If the current caret position is undefined then it will return the array { -1, -1 }

a two element int array holding the caret position.

◆ getCaretPos() [2/2]

int[] g4p_controls.GTextArea.getCaretPos ( int[]  cpos)

Get the current caret position.

If the parameter is a 2 element int array then it will be populated with the line number [0] and character no [1] of the caret's current position.

The method will always return a 2 element array with the current caret position { line no, char no }

If the current caret position is undefined then it will return the array { -1, -1 }

cposarray to be populated with caret position
a two element int array holding the caret position.

◆ getSnapshot()

PGraphics g4p_controls.GTextArea.getSnapshot ( )

This method should be used sparingly since it is heavy on resources.

a PGraphics object showing current state of the control (ignoring rotation)

Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl.

◆ getText()

String g4p_controls.GTextArea.getText ( int  lineNo)

Get the text on a particular line in the text area.
The line does not need to be visible and the line numbers always start at 0.
The result is not dependent on what is visible at any particular time but on the overall position in text area control.
If the line number is invalid then an empty string is returned.
Trailing EOL characters are removed.

lineNothe text area line number we want
the plain text in a display line

◆ getTextAsArray()

String[] g4p_controls.GTextArea.getTextAsArray ( )

Get the text as a String array. (splitting on line breaks).

the associated plain text as a String array split on line breaks

◆ getTextLength()

int g4p_controls.GTextArea.getTextLength ( int  lineNo,
boolean  ignoreEOL 

Get the length of text on a particular line in the text area.
The line does not need to be visible and the line numbers always start at 0.
The result is not dependent on what is visible at any particular time but on the overall position in text area control.
If ignoreEOL is true then EOL characters are not included in the count.

lineNothe text area line number we want
ignoreEOLif true do not include trailing end=of-line characters
the length of the line, or <0) if the line number is invalid

◆ insertText() [1/4]

boolean g4p_controls.GTextArea.insertText ( String  text)

Insert text at the current caret position. If the current caret position is undefined the text will be inserted at the beginning of the text.

No events will be generated and the caret will be moved to the end of any inserted text.

textthe text to insert
true if some characters were inserted

◆ insertText() [2/4]

boolean g4p_controls.GTextArea.insertText ( String  text,
boolean  startWithEOL,
boolean  endWithEOL 

Insert text at the current caret position. If the current caret position is undefined the text will be inserted at the beginning of the text.

No events will be generated and the caret will be moved to the end of any inserted text.

textthe text to insert
startWithEOLif true,inserted text will start on newline
endWithEOLif true, text after inserted text will start on new line
true if some characters were inserted

◆ insertText() [3/4]

boolean g4p_controls.GTextArea.insertText ( String  text,
int  lineNo,
int  charNo 

Insert text at the display position specified.

The area line number starts at 0 and includes any lines scrolled off the top. So if three lines have been scrolled off the top the first visible line is number 3.

No events will be generated and the caret will be moved to the end of any inserted text.

textthe text to insert
lineNothe area line number
charNothe character position to insert text in display line
true if some characters were inserted

◆ insertText() [4/4]

boolean g4p_controls.GTextArea.insertText ( String  text,
int  lineNo,
int  charNo,
boolean  startWithEOL,
boolean  endWithEOL 

Insert text at the display position specified.

The area line number starts at 0 and includes any lines scrolled off the top. So if three lines have been scrolled off the top the first visible line is number 3.

No events will be generated and the caret will be moved to the end of any inserted text.

textthe text to insert
lineNothe area line number
charNothe character position to insert text in display line
startWithEOLif true,inserted text will start on newline
endWithEOLif true, text after inserted text will start on new line
true if some characters were inserted

◆ keyPressedProcess()

void g4p_controls.GTextArea.keyPressedProcess ( int  keyCode,
char  keyChar,
boolean  shiftDown,
boolean  ctrlDown 

Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl.

◆ keyTypedProcess()

void g4p_controls.GTextArea.keyTypedProcess ( int  keyCode,
char  keyChar,
boolean  shiftDown,
boolean  ctrlDown 

Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl.

◆ mouseEvent()

void g4p_controls.GTextArea.mouseEvent ( MouseEvent  event)

Will respond to mouse events.

Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl.

◆ moveCaretEndOfLine()

boolean g4p_controls.GTextArea.moveCaretEndOfLine ( TextLayoutHitInfo  currPos)

Move caret to the end of the line that has the current caret position

currPosthe current position of the caret
true if caret moved else false

Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl.

◆ moveCaretLeft()

boolean g4p_controls.GTextArea.moveCaretLeft ( TextLayoutHitInfo  currPos)

Move caret left by one character. If necessary move to the end of the line above

true if caret was moved else false

Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl.

◆ moveCaretRight()

boolean g4p_controls.GTextArea.moveCaretRight ( TextLayoutHitInfo  currPos)

Move caret right by one character. If necessary move to the start of the next line

true if caret was moved else false

Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl.

◆ moveCaretStartOfLine()

boolean g4p_controls.GTextArea.moveCaretStartOfLine ( TextLayoutHitInfo  currPos)

Move caret to home position

true if caret moved else false

Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GEditableTextControl.

◆ moveCaretTo()

void g4p_controls.GTextArea.moveCaretTo ( int  lineNo,
int  charNo 

Move the insertion point (caret) to the specified line and character. If the position is invalid then the caret is not moved. The text will be scrolled so that the caret position is visible.

lineNothe line number (starts at 0)
charNothe character position on the line (starts at 0)

◆ pre()

void g4p_controls.GTextArea.pre ( )

Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl.

◆ setStyledText()

void g4p_controls.GTextArea.setStyledText ( StyledString  st)

Set the styled text to be displayed.

Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GTextBase.

◆ setText() [1/4]

void g4p_controls.GTextArea.setText ( String  text)

Set the text to be used. The wrap width is determined by the current text wrapwidth or if there is no text then the text width of the control.

textto be displayed

Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GTextBase.

◆ setText() [2/4]

void g4p_controls.GTextArea.setText ( String  text,
int  wrapWidth 

Set the text to display and adjust any scrollbars

texttext to display
wrapWidththe wrap width

◆ setText() [3/4]

void g4p_controls.GTextArea.setText ( String[]  lines)

Set the text to display and adjust any scrollbars

linesan array of Strings representing the text to display

◆ setText() [4/4]

void g4p_controls.GTextArea.setText ( String[]  lines,
int  wrapWidth 

Set the text to display and adjust any scrollbars

linesan array of Strings representing the text to display
wrapWidththe wrap width

◆ updateBuffer()

void g4p_controls.GTextArea.updateBuffer ( )

If the buffer is invalid then redraw it.

Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl.