Turtle Graphics (TG)


This library implementation is written in pure JavaScript and has no dependencies on any third party library. All examples use p5js because it provides a simple framework to demonstrate the library. TG also provides helper functions to support interatcion with p5js.

Historical Background

Turtle graphics came into being in the late 1960s when Seymour Papert added support for it to the Logo programming language. Since then there have been numerous implementations of both Logo and Turtle Graphics in several programming languages. Python even includes a turtle graphics module as part of its standard library.

Library Support

The TG github repository is the principal source of information on using this library and I suggest you read the wiki there. The other main source is the user guide which documents the entire TG API

Also, I have used the p5js online sketch editor to create many examples for users to explore and experiment with.

If you can't find the answer here or on github them you can always ask questions on the Processing forum as I am a regular visitor there.