canvasGUI ++++ A library for p5.js
As the name suggests this library provides a GUI where the controls such as buttons and sliders appear on the actual canvas. This makes it ideal if you want to show your sketches on websites like OpenProcessing.
IIMPORTANT: canvasGUI only responds to mouse and keyboard events. It will not work with touch screens.
Controls available | canvasGUI features |
Label |
Showcase sketch
This sketch shows many of the controls and features available to the canvasGUI user. The actual 3D animation was taken from a p5.js example so I don't take credit for that, but the GUI is all mine LOL.
There are a number of 'Control demos' in the guides page. These code examples will give you an idea of how use this library.
Library Support
As well as the examples the guides page has a number of additional guides covering the library basics. Additional support can be found at at github. You should explore both of these sources if you want to get the best out of canvasGUI.
If you can't find the answer here or on github them you can always ask questions on the Processing forum as I am a regular visitor there.