GUI Builder Tool
The GUI builder tool provides a visual environment for the rapid creation and editing of user interfaces using GUI controls in the G4P library.
Graphical interface
- position and size G4P controls for your sketch
- scrollable 'form' makes it easier to create GUIs for large windows
- create secondary windows that can hold G4P controls
- property grid to edit the controls attributes
- tree view to rapidly navigate between controls
- grid control to simplify the allignment of controls
- auto-hides the design window when not active (selectable)
- can move back and forth between design and Processing IDE
Code generation
- generates the code neccessary to create the interface
- creates an event handler method for each control
- preserves user code written inside the event handlers
Important Notice about GUI Builder versions
When upgrading your version of GUI Builder it is important that you check for backward compatibilty with existing GUI designs.
Consider GUI Builder version 4.2.1 the first digit (4) is the major version number, the second (2) the minor version number and the third and final digit (1) is the increment . GUI Builder cannot edit designs created with earlier versions if either the major or minor version numbers differ. In that situation you would have to manually reinstall the earlier version.