| MEditableTextControl (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3, int scrollbars) |
void | setFocus (boolean focus) |
void | setPromptText (String ptext) |
int | getWrapWidth () |
void | setWrapWidth (int wrapWidth) |
String | getPromptText () |
String | getText () |
MStyledString | getStyledText () |
void | addStyle (TextAttribute attr, Object value, int charStart, int charEnd) |
void | addStyle (TextAttribute attr, Object value) |
void | clearStyles (int charStart, int charEnd) |
void | clearStyles () |
void | setFont (Font font) |
String | getSelectedText () |
void | setSelectedTextStyle (TextAttribute style, Object value) |
void | clearSelectionStyle () |
void | setJustify (boolean justify) |
void | setLocalColorScheme (int cs) |
boolean | hasSelection () |
void | setTextEditEnabled (boolean enableTextEdit) |
boolean | isTextEditEnabled () |
void | keyEvent (KeyEvent e) |
void | flashCaret (MTimer timer) |
void | hsbEventHandler (MScrollbar scrollbar, MEvent event) |
void | vsbEventHandler (MScrollbar scrollbar, MEvent event) |
void | markForDisposal () |
boolean | saveText (String fname) |
boolean | loadText (String fname) |
| MTextBase (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3) |
void | setText (String text) |
boolean | loadText (String fname) |
boolean | saveText (String fname) |
void | setFont (Font font) |
void | setStyledText (MStyledString ss) |
void | setTextPlain () |
void | setTextBold (int start, int end) |
void | setTextBold () |
void | setTextItalic (int start, int end) |
void | setTextItalic () |
MStyledString | getStyledText () |
String | getText () |
| MAbstractControl (PApplet theApplet) |
| MAbstractControl (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3) |
void | draw () |
void | mouseEvent (MouseEvent event) |
void | keyEvent (KeyEvent e) |
void | pre () |
void | post () |
void | dispose () |
void | forceBufferUpdate () |
boolean | isOver (float x, float y) |
void | setLocalColorScheme (int cs) |
void | setLocalColorScheme (int cs, boolean includeChildren) |
int | getLocalColorScheme () |
void | setAlpha (int alpha) |
void | setAlpha (int alpha, boolean includeChildren) |
MAbstractControl | getParent () |
PApplet | getPApplet () |
PGraphics | getSnapshot () |
void | addEventHandler (Object obj, String methodName) |
void | moveTo (float px, float py) |
float | getX () |
float | getY () |
float | getCX () |
float | getCY () |
float | getWidth () |
float | getHeight () |
void | setVisible (boolean visible) |
boolean | isVisible () |
void | setOpaque (boolean opaque) |
boolean | isOpaque () |
boolean | isDragging () |
void | setEnabled (boolean enable) |
boolean | isEnabled () |
void | setFocus (boolean focus) |
boolean | hasFocus () |
void | addControl (MAbstractControl c, float x, float y, float angle) |
void | addControl (MAbstractControl c, float x, float y) |
void | addControl (MAbstractControl c) |
void | addControls (MAbstractControl...controls) |
int | getCursorOver () |
void | setCursorOver (int cursorOver) |
void | markForDisposal () |
String | toString () |
void | loseFocus (MAbstractControl grabber) |
void | takeFocus () |
boolean | moveCaretStartOfLine (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos) |
boolean | moveCaretEndOfLine (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos) |
boolean | moveCaretLeft (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos) |
boolean | moveCaretRight (TextLayoutHitInfo currPos) |
void | calculateCaretPos (TextLayoutHitInfo tlhi) |
void | keyPressedProcess (int keyCode, char keyChar, boolean shiftDown, boolean ctrlDown) |
void | keyTypedProcess (int keyCode, char keyChar, boolean shiftDown, boolean ctrlDown) |
boolean | changeText () |
void | addAttributeImpl (TextAttribute style, Object value) |
void | addAttributeImpl (TextAttribute style, Object value, int s, int e) |
void | resize (float w, float h) |
int | whichHotSpot (float px, float py) |
int | getCurrHotSpot () |
PGraphics | getBuffer () |
void | updateBuffer () |
void | createEventHandler (Object handlerObj, String methodName, Class[] param_classes, String[] param_names) |
void | fireEvent (Object...objects) |
void | setAvailable (boolean avail) |
boolean | isAvailable () |
void | takeFocus () |
void | loseFocus (MAbstractControl grabber) |
void | addToParent (MAbstractControl p) |
AffineTransform | getTransform (AffineTransform aff) |
void | calcTransformedOrigin (float px, float py) |
void | setZ (int parentZ) |
MStyledString | stext = new MStyledString("") |
String | tag |
int | tagNo |
int | RED_SCHEME = 0 |
int | GREEN_SCHEME = 1 |
int | YELLOW_SCHEME = 2 |
int | PURPLE_SCHEME = 3 |
int | ORANGE_SCHEME = 4 |
int | CYAN_SCHEME = 5 |
int | BLUE_SCHEME = 6 |
int | GOLD_SCHEME = 7 |
int | SCHEME_8 = 8 |
int | SCHEME_9 = 9 |
int | SCHEME_10 = 10 |
int | SCHEME_11 = 11 |
int | SCHEME_12 = 12 |
int | SCHEME_13 = 13 |
int | SCHEME_14 = 14 |
int | SCHEME_15 = 15 |
char | HOME = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_HOME |
char | END = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_END |
int | CTRL_ANGULAR = 0x00000501 |
int | CTRL_HORIZONTAL = 0x00000502 |
int | CTRL_VERTICAL = 0x00000503 |
int | EXIT_APP = 0x00000f01 |
int | CLOSE_WINDOW = 0x00000f02 |
int | KEEP_OPEN = 0x00000f03 |
int | USER_COL_SCHEME = 0x00010102 |
int | ALPHA_BLOCK = 128 |
int | ALPHA_PICK = 48 |
int | SCROLLBARS_NONE = 0x0000 |
int | SCROLLBARS_BOTH = 0x0003 |
int | SCROLLBARS_AUTOHIDE = 0x1000 |
int | INTEGER = 0 |
int | DECIMAL = 1 |
int | EXPONENT = 2 |
int | ORIENT_LEFT = -1 |
int | ORIENT_TRACK = 0 |
int | ORIENT_RIGHT = 1 |
int | X4 = 1 |
int | X8 = 2 |
int | PLAIN = JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE |
int | ERROR = JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE |
int | YES_NO = JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION |
int | OK = JOptionPane.OK_OPTION |
int | YES = JOptionPane.YES_OPTION |
int | NO = JOptionPane.NO_OPTION |
int | CANCEL = JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION |
int | CLOSED = JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION |
TextAttribute | FAMILY = TextAttribute.FAMILY |
TextAttribute | WEIGHT = TextAttribute.WEIGHT |
Float | WEIGHT_EXTRA_LIGHT = new Float(0.5f) |
Float | WEIGHT_LIGHT = new Float(0.75f) |
Float | WEIGHT_DEMILIGHT = new Float(0.875f) |
Float | WEIGHT_REGULAR = new Float(1.0f) |
Float | WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD = new Float(1.25f) |
Float | WEIGHT_MEDIUM = new Float(1.5f) |
Float | WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD = new Float(1.75f) |
Float | WEIGHT_BOLD = new Float(2.0f) |
Float | WEIGHT_HEAVY = new Float(2.25f) |
Float | WEIGHT_EXTRABOLD = new Float(2.5f) |
Float | WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD = new Float(2.75f) |
TextAttribute | WIDTH = TextAttribute.WIDTH |
Float | WIDTH_CONDENSED = new Float(0.75f) |
Float | WIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED = new Float(0.875f) |
Float | WIDTH_REGULAR = new Float(1.0f) |
Float | WIDTH_SEMI_EXTENDED = new Float(1.25f) |
Float | WIDTH_EXTENDED = new Float(1.5f) |
TextAttribute | POSTURE = TextAttribute.POSTURE |
Float | POSTURE_REGULAR = new Float(0.0f) |
Float | POSTURE_OBLIQUE = new Float(0.20f) |
TextAttribute | SIZE = TextAttribute.SIZE |
TextAttribute | SUPERSCRIPT = TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT |
Integer | SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER = new Integer(1) |
Integer | SUPERSCRIPT_SUB = new Integer(-1) |
Integer | SUPERSCRIPT_OFF = new Integer(0) |
TextAttribute | FOREGROUND = TextAttribute.FOREGROUND |
TextAttribute | BACKGROUND = TextAttribute.BACKGROUND |
TextAttribute | STRIKETHROUGH = TextAttribute.STRIKETHROUGH |
Boolean | STRIKETHROUGH_ON = new Boolean(true) |
Boolean | STRIKETHROUGH_OFF = new Boolean(false) |
String | SLIDER_STYLES = "|grey_blue|blue18px|green_red20px|purple18px|red_yellow18px|" |
String | DEFAULT_SLIDER_STYLE = "grey_blue" |
int | DRAW_METHOD = 0x00000001 |
int | MOUSE_METHOD = 0x00000002 |
int | PRE_METHOD = 0x00000004 |
int | KEY_METHOD = 0x00000008 |
int | POST_METHOD = 0x00000010 |
int | ALL_METHOD = 0x0000001f |
int | RUNTIME_ERROR = 0xf0000000 |
int | MISSING = 0x01000001 |
int | NONEXISTANT = 0x01000002 |
int | EXCP_IN_HANDLER = 0x81000003 |
int | OFF_CONTROL = 0 |
int | OVER_CONTROL = 1 |
int | PRESS_CONTROL = 2 |
int | DRAG_CONTROL = 3 |
int | TINT_FOR_ALPHA = 255 |
int | I_NONE = 0 |
int | I_TL = 1 |
int | I_TR = 2 |
int | I_CL = 4 |
int | I_CR = 8 |
int | I_INSIDE = 16 |
int | I_COVERED = 32 |
int | I_MODES = 63 |
int | MERGE_RUNS = 256 |
int | CLIP_RUN = 512 |
int | COMBI_MODES = 768 |
int[][] | grid |
BasicStroke | pen_1_0 = new BasicStroke(1, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND) |
BasicStroke | pen_2_0 = new BasicStroke(2, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND) |
BasicStroke | pen_3_0 = new BasicStroke(3, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND) |
BasicStroke | pen_4_0 = new BasicStroke(4, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND) |
static int | focusObjectZ () |
static MAbstractControl | focusIsWith = null |
static MAbstractControl | controlToTakeFocus = null |
static MAbstractControl | cursorIsOver |
static final int | Z_PANEL = 1024 |
static final int | Z_STICKY = 0 |
static final int | Z_SLIPPY = 24 |
This class is the basis for the GTextField and GTextArea classes.
- Author
- Peter Lager