Java Swing IDE for QScript

QScript is a pure Java library with no external dependencies and although the examples require Processing it includes a Java Swing IDE.

The following Java application will launch this IDE.

import org.qscript.editor.QScriptIDE;

public class LaunchSwingIDE {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		QScriptIDE ide = new QScriptIDE();



The Swing IDE interface

Java Swing IDE

The IDE is easy enough to use, click on one of the three butons at the bottom for some examples and just try out the options.

If you unzip the download then inside the folder src/org/qscript/editor you will find all the source code and form data files used to create this editor. These files can be used in a NetBeans project. The source code for the IDE and form data can be found in the src/or